Associate Director on BLISS, a world premiere musical at The Fifth Avenue Theater

This winter, I was thrilled to serve as the associate director on a new musical that I have been a part of the development of for almost three years have a NYC rehearsal process and out of town commercial try-out at The Fifth Avenue Theater in Seattle.

BLISS by Emma Lively and Tyler Beattie, directed by Sheryl Kaller and choreographed by Josh Prince.

Princesses, fairy godfathers, and a royal ball that would knock anyone’s glass slippers off? Check. A story you know? Not even close! BLISS is an electrifying new musical about four royal sisters — a warrior, a pop diva, an animal whisperer, and a science whiz — determined to take charge of their own futures. Brilliant, unique, and blessed with killer voices, these sisters set out in search of their destinies…only to find that “happily ever after” is theirs to decide. See what’s possible when you leave behind the fairy tale and discover your BLISS.

Seattle Times Review here.

Stay tuned for future information and productions!